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General Fitness

Pilates for Men… and for Everyone!

men pilates

Pilates was created by a cigar smoking, whiskey drinking, boxer, acrobat, and gymnast named Joseph Pilates, who created his exercise program, first and foremost, for men. Watching old footage of Joseph Pilates teaching high energy mat classes to large groups of men outdoors in a field, it is clear that the men in the class were getting a strong workout.

Joseph started his Contrology method (as it was originally called) with mat-based exercises.  However, during his internment in England during World War I, he further developed his method, attaching springs to the beds of the bedridden, to rehabilitate them. The object of his exercises was to return the injured men to their full function.


Pilates for Athletes

Joseph Pilates originally trained athletes, boxers, wrestlers, skiers, gymnasts, and circus performers. It wasn’t until choreographer, George Balanchine, and dancer, Martha Graham, caught onto his method, that dancers started to seek out his studio, and embrace the Pilates method. This is perhaps when the gender shift in the method started to occur, hence the misconceptions that Pilates is primarily best suited to women or dancers. It is reported that Joseph Pilates did not like to train dancers and he would send them to his wife, Clara.

More men are now starting to discover the Pilates method and its benefits for their own distinct goals. Male clients at The Body Refinery studio often seek to improve their balance, flexibility, coordination and posture, increase their core strength, address low back pain and muscular imbalances, as well as for improving fitness and muscle tone, and to rehabilitate from injury.

Many male athletes have turned to Pilates to give them a competitive edge and strengthen their game. Just some of the golfers who have made Pilates integral to their physical conditioning are Tiger Woods, Rocco Mediate, and Phil Mickelson. Here in Australia, some AFL teams have invested in Pilates equipment to incorporate the method into their training.


Pilates to improve everyday life

Apart from improving sporting performance, Pilates compliments everyday movement and activity, whether it be sitting behind a desk, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or lifting children. It heightens coordination and improves balance, flexibility, and posture. It is an intelligent workout that can sharpen your focus and increase your ability to concentrate.

It re-educates the body on how to move efficiently, initiating from the “powerhouse” muscles (at the centre of the body), and develop core strength in the deep muscles of the back in order to stabilize and protect the back.

Pilates is for everyone: men, women, teens and children, seniors, athletes, the injured, the sedentary and the deconditioned, the flexible and the inflexible, the coordinated and the uncoordinated.

For any men out there with a misconception that Pilates isn’t for them, or for those who are intrigued by Pilates but have been hesitant to try it for one reason or another, there’s no better time than now to improve your body, your performance and your mind…  give Pilates a try and explore the benefits it will provide to you.

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Book your initial appointment in our New Farm studio by contacting us on or 07 3358 3915.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for a daily dose of Pilates and Wellbeing.

5 tips to improve your sleep!

Australia is in a sleep deprivation epidemic. But, you can give yourself the best chance of a good night’s sleep with these helpful tips.

Research indicates that 33-44% of adults sleep either poorly or for an insufficient length of time on most nights. Not getting enough sleep means you start the new day fatigued, irritable and with other side effects of sleep deprivation. It is now common knowledge that getting a good night’s sleep is an essential basis of good health, with benefits including decreased risk of heart disease; improved ability to lose unwanted weight; improved memory, and many more benefits.


Here are 5 tips help improve your sleep:


1. Avoid caffeine after midday

It is well understood that caffeine is a stimulant that stimulates various systems within the body. Research suggests that caffeine can stay in your system for 8-14 hours. If you suffer from poor sleep, avoiding caffeine after midday may improve your sleep quality. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, green tea, some soft drinks, energy drinks and chocolate. Herbal teas and a snacks such as nuts can be good substitutes for an afternoon coffee.


2. Go to bed by 10pm

Ancient medicine practices such a Chinese medicine and Ayurveda suggest that the optimal time for the human body to sleep is from 10pm to 6am. In fact, recent research confirms that hormonal fluctuations throughout the day support sleep at this time. The sleep hormone, Melatonin, peaks between 11pm and 1am and you don’t want to miss that or suppress it by being awake. The body has a natural rhythm, which is driven by daylight, so sleep cycles are important. This means that sticking to them will improve your health.

 improve your sleep

3. Avoid back-lit electronic devices

TVs, computers, smartphones and tablets emit a sleep-disrupting light. If you have problems sleeping, aim to switch off these devices 1 hour before bed.


4. Take up meditation

Daily meditation has been proven to reduce stress and research indicates it can have a positive effect on improving sleep, especially for those with sleep issues. Just 10 minutes a day is all your body may need. There are many guided meditation courses available that can be helpful to get you started.


5. Create a relaxing, luxurious, sleep environment

Create a sleep-friendly environment, clutter-free and tidy to create a little piece of luxury in your home. A place that feels relaxing will improve sleep and decrease anxiety. Diffusing lavender, or other oils such as vetiver, may also aid in sleep.

Combining all of these tips will give you the best chance of improving your sleep patterns, and experiencing the associated benefits.

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Join The Body Refinery community today. Create your profile or book a class now!

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Hip pain – Pilates can help you

hip pain

Hip pain is very common and can result from numerous different causes. Hip pain tends to occur commonly in two distinct age groups: the young (from 0 to 15 years); and the older population (>45 years of age). ‘Hip’ pain is usually located in the groin, upper thigh or buttock, but may also be somatically referred from the lumbar spine.


The most common causes of hip pain in adults are:

  • Osteoarthritis of the hip (>50 years)
  • Lower back problems
  • Fracture of the femoral neck
  • Traumatic muscular strains and bursitis or tendinitis (sport-active adults)
  • Infection – septic arthritis, osteomyelitis
  • Malignancy


In children and adolescents, the common conditions leading to hip pain are:

  • Congenital dislocation of the hip
  • Perthes’ disease: (4-8 years) necrosis (tissue destruction) of the femoral head due to lack of blood supply.
  • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE)


A recent study estimated that nearly 25% of the population will develop symptomatic hip arthritis before the age of 85. Risk factors for the development of arthritis are now well established and include femoral acetabular impingement, labral tearing, developmental dysplasia and slipped capital femoral epiphysis. As our understanding of hip pathology evolves, the focus is shifting to early identification and treatment to prevent or slow the progression of hip conditions.

The challenge for general practitioners and physiotherapists alike is to elucidate whether an individual’s hip symptoms originate from intra-articular disorders or from the surrounding extra-articular soft tissues and to target treatment accordingly. Optimal patient care is best achieved with a multidisciplinary approach involving education on lifestyle factors (diet, activity modification), medications, and physiotherapy.

hip pain

How can we help with your hip pain?

The Body Refinery’s physiotherapists are skilled in the assessment and treatment of hip conditions. We understand that the successful management of hip pathology requires thorough examination of the hip joint, as well as adjacent joints, including the sacroiliac joint and lumbar spine. Additionally, our physiotherapists undertake a thorough biomechanical analysis of the affected lower limb to determine any underlying issues that may be predisposing the individual to their hip problem.

Physiotherapy aimed initially at improving hip pain and flexibility can be expertly progressed to exercise therapy. This with a strong focus on optimising lower limb biomechanics, thereby reducing the risk of re-injury and encouraging a return to work, sport and activities of daily living.

Essentially exercise therapy should be individualized and patient-centred, taking into account factors such as patient age, mobility, co-morbidities and preferences. An assessment of specific impairments such as strength, the range of motion, aerobic fitness and balance are needed to determine the most appropriate exercise regime.


Pilates can help you

At The Body Refinery, once any manual therapy has been carried out to aid hip mobility and/or reduce painful impingements, our physiotherapists use a progressive, individualised treatment program to correct any aberrant movement patterns, instability or poor mechanics that overload the hip or adjacent areas. Clinical Pilates is an excellent form of exercise for hip rehabilitation.  Pilates is a progressive form of exercise that can be individualised and progressed to suit the individual’s rehabilitation needs. Pilates focuses on the alignment and function of the lower limb. As a collection of exercises, it also allows the body to be trained functionally.


The Body Refinery’s physiotherapists are also trained Clinical Pilates instructors, making The Body Refinery Pilates studio the ultimate environment to take clients from acute pain back, through to function, and into performance.

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Book an appointment with a physiotherapist today on 07 3358 3915 or

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for a daily dose of Pilates and Wellbeing.



One sneeze too many?

incontinence The Body Refinery New Farm

Recently, actress Kate Winslet was being interviewed on the Graham Norton show. She was talking about how having babies had affected her and specifically her ability to remain continent when sneezing. “I can’t jump on trampolines anymore, I wet myself,” Winslet, 42, said on the show. “It’s awful, especially if you’re wearing a skirt.”

The mother of three attributes her incontinence to childbirth. “When you’ve had a few children you know, it’s just what happens,” she says. “It’s amazing, two sneezes, I’m fine. Three, it’s game over.”


So, is childbirth responsible?

While many people think that incontinence is a condition that only affects the elderly, it can affect men and women of all ages. Urinary incontinence, and in particular Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI), is a significant health problem which can have a considerable impact on an individual’s quality of life.

SUI is defined as the involuntary loss of urine on effort or physical exertion, such as sneezing or coughing. Current evidence indicates that stress incontinence affects 4% to 14% of younger women and 12% to 35% of older women, with a peak incidence in midlife around the time of menopause.

Many women with urinary incontinence do not seek help for their condition. Some women have SUI of a mild nature and do not feel that treatment of the condition is warranted; others are embarrassed to speak with a healthcare provider about their condition or fear that treatment will require surgery.


incontinence The Body Refinery New Farm

What if we told you that simple Physiotherapy can help?

Whilst the cause of SUI is often multifactorial and may involve muscle, nerve or sphincter issues… research provides overwhelming support that pelvic floor physiotherapy is effective at reducing SUI. Furthermore, there is widespread recommendation that pelvic floor muscle training should be included in first-line management programmes for women with stress, urge or mixed urinary incontinence.

So if you, like Kate, experience symptoms from ‘’one sneeze too many”, there is help available! The Body Refinery offers women’s health physiotherapy, which involves assessment by specifically-trained, female Women’s Health Physiotherapists, who can then help with the management of stress urinary incontinence.

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Book an appointment with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist today on 07 3358 3915 or at

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EASTER 2018 Timetable

easter timetable the body Refinery

Reformer Classes and Remedial Massage available on Easter Monday Public Holiday


Balance out that Easter chocolate! We are opening 3 Express Reformer classes on Monday 2 April 2018:

  • 7:00 am – 7:45 am
  • 7:45 am – 8:30 am
  • 8:30 am – 9:15 am

Also available on Easter Monday 2 April: Treat yourself to a Remedial Massage from 9am.

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Please note that with the exception of the 3 Express Reformer classes and Remedial Massage appointments, the rest of the studio will be closed for the Easter long weekend: Friday 30 March to Monday 2 April.

We will return to the usual timetable from Tuesday 3 April. We hope your break will be full of relaxation, love and chocolate eggs!

Space is limited. To secure your place, please book through The Body Refinery app or contact our friendly admin team on 07 3358 3915 or (by 5pm Thursday 29 March).

What is your posture like at your desk?

posture tips the body refinery

It is very common to find people with back and neck problems that are related to their work setting and posture. As physiotherapists, we seek to understand the underlying factors that are responsible for each patient’s ailment. For this reason, we always ask our clients: “What makes the pain worse?” The most common answer we hear is “When I sit at my desk at work”.

Obviously, avoiding sitting at a desk isn’t usually a viable option, however, we can teach you some strategies for working at a desk that will minimise the likeliness of further injury or pain. It may sound strange that just sitting can cause injury, but that’s exactly what can result from poor static posture when sitting at the desk!

There are many reasons for this: Firstly, the human body is not designed to be seated in a chair for 8 hours a day. Stress, poor workstation ergonomics, and bad posture are the main cause of this sort of injury or pain. To remedy these, it is important to position your arms, legs and spine in the appropriate alignment, to distribute the appropriate load on your joints and muscles. Doing so avoids excessive overactivity or overstrain.


Here are 5 tips for a good posture in order to prevent ergonomic injuries:


1. Find your natural posture

  • Move your chair away from your desk and sit down comfortably. For most people, it would look a lot like sitting in a car. Your feet are on the floor in front of you; your hands are in your lap, and your shoulders relax as you lean back just a bit.
  • This is called your “natural posture.” In it, your vertebrae are stacked, your entire back moves as you breathe, and your pelvis is positioned so that your spine is stacked properly.
  • Memorise this natural posture.

posture desk tips the body refinery

2. Keyboard and mouse placement

  • Building around the natural posture, the keyboard and mouse should be positioned in a way that keeps your elbows to your sides, and your arms at or below a 90-degree angle. This way, the muscle load is reduced and you’re not straining.
  • Position your keyboard 1 to 2 inches above your thighs. For most people, that probably means employing a pull-out keyboard tray. Alternatively, you can lower your desk, but the keyboard tray is a preferred method. Here’s why…
  • Tilt. The keyboard should ideally be positioned with a negative tilt — down and away from you so that your arms and hand follow the downward slope of your thighs. That being said, you should never use the kickstand that is incorporated underneath most keyboards.
  • Position. Ideally, your keyboard and mouse should be shoulder-distance apart and as level as possible.


3. Position your screen(s)

  • Distance. If your screen is too far away, you’ll start doing something called ‘turtling’, or craning your neck, and you’ll find yourself extending your neck to see it.
  • To find the right screen position, sit back and extend your arm. The tips of your middle finger should land on your screen. That’s the spot.
  • If you have two monitors, set them up side by side (no gap), and place the secondary monitor off-centre. Those who use both monitors equally should centre them both. Now, sit back and extend your arm and pan in an arch. As you pan your arm, your fingertip should almost always touch the monitors. Use the same logic when placing other items, like a document holder or a phone.
  • Height. To adjust the height: close your eyes. When you open them, your eyes should land on the address bar. If not, lower or raise the monitors using the built-in option, with risers, or with other items (as long as the monitor is safe and stable).


4. Adjust your chair

Your chair is your best ergonomic friend. It supports your back, bottom, and posture. Here are some things to look for in a good chair:

  • Shape. Think back to your natural posture. With your tailbone sticking out just a bit, and your vertebrae in their slight curve, the lumbar portion of your spine points in toward your belly. To help you sustain this posture, find a chair that offers good lumbar support.
  • Length. When you sit down, there should be a little space between the edge of the chair and the back of your knees, about the size of your fist. Depending on the chair, you might be able to adjust the seat depth accordingly.
  • Height. When you sit, your feet should be on the floor (not dangling) in front of you, and your thighs should be slightly below your hips. Shorter people may need to use a footrest, while extra-tall people may need to adjust the height of the desk.
  • If you ever find yourself tucking your feet behind you, sitting on one leg, or in another irregular position, your chair needs to be adjusted.


5. Move every hour (minimum)

  • Take a break at least once an hour to walk around the office or stretch. If it helps, set an hourly alarm as a reminder.
  • No matter how ergonomic your workstation is, stretching your body is the only thing that can combat the health issues that arise from prolonged sitting.


If you have any questions or concerns about any pain or discomfort you are experiencing, do not hesitate and consult one of our physiotherapists. With Pilates, we can improve the endurance and strength of the postural muscles, so that sitting in the appropriate posture is eventually something that comes naturally.

We have also developed an online 4-week Low Back Pain Pilates program. Take your Physiotherapist with you!

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Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for a daily dose of Pilates and Wellbeing.