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NDIS and Exercise Physiology

Exercise Physiology is a growing profession within the health field and depending on your NDIS plan and goals, it can have an important role in assisting in your NDIS journey. Exercise Physiology treatment is individualised and targeted and often consists of an exercise program that is often combined with advice around lifestyle change. Their contribution to a person’s overall health, wellbeing and independence is often overlooked and this is combined with a lack of knowledge around the role of Exercise Physiology within the general public. Due to this, it is important to highlight the role of Exercise Physiology as well as its importance within the NDIS framework.

How Exercise Physiology Can Help

>Exercise Physiologists are specialised in designing and delivering individualised, targeted and safe exercise-based treatment for a range of health conditions, whether they be acute, subacute or chronic. This can range across many things such as injury rehabilitation, the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions or the management of ongoing or long term health conditions.

Some of the reasons you might want to see an Exercise Physiologist under NDIS include:

  • Your condition or disability affects your health or wellbeing
  • Your plan has goals that relate to improving or maintaining your fitness, mobility, strength or physical independence
  • You would benefit from supervised, individualised or targeted exercise-based treatment
  • You want to participate in community-based sports or activities

This can take the form of home-based exercise programs, in-clinic exercise programs (both individual and group) or even independent gym-based programs. Your Exercise Physiologist will guide you to the most suitable options. Each session is tailored to your specific needs and circumstances to ensure the best outcome.

It’s important to note that Exercise Physiologists are also trained to take a holistic approach to treatment and will often look beyond your initial goal to also assess and provide treatment or advice on other relevant factors, such as your ability to complete day to day tasks, secondary health concerns, or even your mental wellbeing.

Categories Under Which You Can Access Funding

Exercise Physiology can be accessed under the Improved Health and Wellbeing category and as of 2019 also the Improved Daily Living Skills category under your Capacity Building Supports Budget. At The Body Refinery, these supports can be accessed by clients who are either self-managed or plan-managed.

What We Can Offer At The Body Refinery

Here at The Body Refinery not only do we offer Exercise Physiology but also Physiotherapy in both individual and group settings, as well as Massage Therapy. Our clinic is also well equipped with private consultation rooms, a fully equipped clinical gym and a clinical exercise studio. This combination of high-quality services and high-quality facilities allow us to make a positive impact on many people under NDIS at The Body Refinery already. So during your next plan review make sure to discuss the relevance of Exercise Physiology in the treatment of your disability under the NDIS.

More information on our NDIS page: here.

If you have further questions do not hesitate to contact us on 07 3358 3915 or email us at

Urinary Leaking with Exercise – Is it Normal?

Stress urinary incontinence help The Body REfinery

If you experience urinary leaking when you cough, sneeze, laugh or perform high-intensity exercise, such as running and jumping, you may have stress urinary incontinence.


What is stress urinary incontinence? 

Stress urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary loss of urine during times of increased intra-abdominal pressure.


What causes it? 

Some of the causes of stress urinary incontinence include:

  • Pelvic floor muscle weakness
  • Poor timing of pelvic floor muscle contraction
  • Decreased levels of oestrogen post-menopause or whilst breastfeeding
  • Damage to fascia after childbirth

Stress urinary incontinence help The Body REfinery

Stress urinary incontinence and exercise 

High-impact activities such as CrossFit are becoming increasingly popular amongst women. It is during these activities such as jumping, running and weight lifting that women are more likely to leak due to the increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Many women try to limit leaking by emptying their bladder before exercise, taking regular bathroom breaks during workouts, limiting fluid intake, or wearing pads.

They may even avoid higher intensity exercise altogether. However, this can be detrimental to women’s health given the importance of impact exercise for preventing low bone density later in life.

If this sounds like you, then you’re not alone. A recent survey found 84% of female CrossFit participants reported urinary incontinence. However, it is important to know that, while leaking during exercise is common, it is not normal and there are treatments available.


What is the treatment? 

Women’s health physiotherapists are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of stress urinary incontinence. Some treatment options your physiotherapist may suggest include:

  • The Knack.  Your women’s health physiotherapist may teach you how to engage your pelvic floor muscles just prior to and during short increases in intra-abdominal pressure such as coughing, sneezing and lifting. However, you should not try to brace your pelvic floor for the length of a run or high-intensity exercise class as this is not how the pelvic floor is designed to function.
  • Pelvic floor muscle training.  Your women’s health physiotherapist will assess your pelvic floor strength and prescribe an individualised pelvic floor muscle training program. This involves pelvic floor squeezes or ‘Kegels’ to strengthen the pelvic floor.
  • Shaper underwear. Your women’s health physiotherapist may recommend supportive underwear to wear during exercise such as the new SRC Restore Underwear for women.
  • Vaginal support devices. Your women’s health physiotherapist may prescribe a vaginal support device, which you insert similar to a tampon, to support the urethra and prevent leaking during exercise.


Before trying any of the above, please see one of our Women’s Health Physiotherapists at The Body Refinery for an assessment. A professional assessment is important so that an individualised treatment program can be developed to improve your symptoms, so you can return to physical activity with confidence.

What is Physiotherapy?

The Body refinery women's health physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is treatment to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient’s mobility, function, and well-being. Physiotherapy helps through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness. Physiotherapists get you involved in your own recovery.

Physiotherapists are experts in the structure of the human body and its movement. They work with people of all ages to treat a broad range of health conditions including sports injuries and musculoskeletal conditions as well as chronic health conditions such as diabetes, obesity, osteoarthritis, and stroke.

Physiotherapists are involved in the assessment, diagnosis, planning, and management of patient care in areas with musculoskeletal, cardiothoracic, and neurological problems. Physiotherapists help patients with chronic disease management, provide lifestyle modification and self-management advice, prescribe aids and appliances, prescribe, and supervise exercises for both patients and carers, and provide health promotion education, occupational health assessments and injury prevention activities.

You can benefit from physiotherapy at any time in your life. Physiotherapy helps with back pain or sudden injury, managing long-term medical conditions such as asthma, and preparing for childbirth or a sporting event.

History of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy, which is commonly called physical therapy in other countries, is a branch of science that primarily deals with physical medicine and physical rehabilitation. The process involves the use of mechanical movements and force to remediate impairments and help promote function, mobility, and quality of life. This is completed using assessment, evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis, and physical intervention.

It is believed that Physiotherapy has been practised from as early as 400 BC by Hippocrates and Galen physicians as they advocated manual therapy techniques, massage, and hydrotherapy methods in treating their patients. Physiotherapy as a profession, however, was forged in the aftermath of World War 1. Many young men returned from the battlefields with broken bodies that needed careful repair. Initially, the wounded relied on therapeutic massage and electrotherapy for pain management.

Management of acute conditions morphed into the management of chronic conditions. Exercise-based therapy was developed to manage chronic conditions and chronic pain. It was noticed by the medical profession and physiotherapists became a legitimate part of the healthcare system.

In the early 1950s, the British Commonwealth countries promoted the use of manipulative procedures to the spine and extremity joints. Simultaneous with the development of polio vaccines, the popularity of physical therapists increased across Europe and North America.

Physiotherapists began to work outside the hospital premises in the late 1950s when they worked in outpatient orthopaedic clinics, local physio clinics, rehabilitation centres, medical centres, public schools, colleges/universities and health centres, among others.

Physiotherapy is a profession offering a range of benefits to people of all ages. To find out more, contact our friendly team or book an appointment today.

Clinical Rehab at The Body Refinery


Is Clinical Rehab Pilates?

At The Body Refinery, we are pleased to offer a service called Clinical Rehab. Clinical rehab is a service that blends traditional Pilates informed exercise and other strength and conditioning principles to individualise your recovery, rehab and performance.

After completing an individualised assessment, your Physiotherapist will design a tailored exercise program for you, specifically created to address your injuries, health and movement goals and any medical conditions. 


What conditions and injuries may be helped with clinical Rehab?

Clinical Rehab is a service offered to people of all ages and fitness levels, with a variety of injuries and health conditions. Such concerns as neck and back pain, postural issues, pelvic pain, women’s health issues, chronic illness as well as sporting injury management and recovery may be addressed.


Are the sessions claimable through private health?

All of our Physiotherapists have additional diploma level qualifications in Pilates training. They will utilise this background to create the most effective individualised exercise program for your needs and goals. As this service is within the accepted scope of clinical practice for the profession, the sessions may be claimable (please check with your health fund).


Will I be using Pilates equipment?

Clinical Rehab sessions involve the use of all the studio equipment. This may involve using the reformer, trapeze table, wunda chair, core align, spring resistance, free weights, exercise bands, small props and exercises on the mat. Your Physiotherapist will determine what equipment is most appropriate for your needs and goals.


How do I get started?

You will need to call us on (07) 3358 3915 to arrange a time for your Initial assessment. Your Physiotherapist may then recommend a series of individual sessions under their direct guidance until you are familiar with your program and the safe use of the equipment. Following this, you will have the option to attend a small group class, with a maximum of 4 people, where you will continue your program under the guidance of a Physiotherapist.

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Join our Pilates community and focus on your health and mind-body connection. Create your profile or book a class now!

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Training flexibility in young dancers – why you shouldn’t stretch

Dance Pre-pointe assessment physiotherapy The Body Refinery Brisbane

Dancers sitting in the splits or effortlessly mounting their legs above their heads are quintessential images in the dance world. While many dancers are hypermobile, others are not and have to work hard to achieve the same range of movement. They resort to stretching every day to ‘increase their flexibility’ often to no avail. If this sounds like you, then you’re not alone. You may think that holding stretches passively lengthen your muscles, but this is not the case. In fact, research has shown that static stretching (i.e. holding a stretch) for longer than 60 seconds actually inhibits the muscle. If you take this inhibited muscle into a dance class you are more at risk of injury.

That’s why, at the Australian Ballet, you no longer see dancers stretching their calves. It is all thanks to Dr Sue Mayes, the Principal Physiotherapist at the Australian Ballet. Mayes educated the dancers on the importance of not stretching their calves and introduced single leg calf raises into their daily class. Over the past decade, they have seen a dramatic decline in ankle and calf injuries. As Mayes explains, when performing, dancers are not static and do not hold passive positions. Instead, they are dynamic, moving in and out of extreme ranges of movement. To have the capacity to move into these ranges with power and control requires strength. By taking a strength-based approach, Mayes and her team found they could improve flexibility and increase range of motion in a safe and effective way.

Dance Pre-pointe assessment physiotherapy The Body Refinery Brisbane

If you shouldn’t stretch, how should you warm-up?

Rather than sitting in a stretch, you should take the muscle through its range dynamically. For example, you could do a slow controlled leg swing. Other suggestions include:

  • Jogging around the studio to raise your body temperature and get the blood flowing
  • Releasing tight muscles with a ball or roller
  • Gentle activation exercises to ‘wake up’ the deep stabilising muscles such as the glutes

Dance Pre-pointe assessment physiotherapy The Body Refinery Brisbane

Should you abandon stretching altogether? 

It depends on the way you do it. If you are going to stretch, it should be dynamic and not held for longer than 30-40 seconds.

If you have been working hard on your range of movement and it’s not improving, it may be time to address the reasons why the movement is restricted. This is where physiotherapy can help.

Our physiotherapist, Courtney, understands the frustration of lacking flexibility. Unable to do the splits, she used to stretch every day, with little improvement. She now loves to apply her knowledge to help dancers achieve their own flexibility goals.

Courtney can undertake a thorough assessment to determine what may be limiting your flexibility, whether it be related to:

    • Muscle tightness
    • Muscle weakness

Joint or capsular restriction

  • Fascial or neural tension


Following this assessment, she can design a tailored program specifically for you to address these areas. Courtney offers as well pre-pointe assessment to all dancers.


To book an initial assessment with Courtney, contact our friendly reception staff on 3358 3915 or

Why it’s Important for New Mums to have a Women’s Health Initial Assessment

importance of women's health initial assessment

The Body Refinery offers post-natal classes for new mums wanting to get back into exercise. Before attending these classes you are required to have an initial consultation with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist.

If you have been cleared by your GP or obstetrician at your 6-week check-up, you may be wondering why you also need to have an initial assessment appointment with a Women’s Health Physiotherapist. These initial assessments are very important to ensure you return to exercise safely.

While you may feel ready to return to exercise, your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles need time to recover from pregnancy and birth, and each woman experiences childbirth differently.  If you return to exercise too early, without adequate pelvic floor and abdominal strength, there is a risk of developing lower back pain, rectus diastasis, long term bladder or bowel problems or pelvic organ prolapse.

incontinence The Body Refinery New Farm

What is involved in a Women’s Health Physiotherapy appointment?

The initial Women’s Health Physiotherapy appointment is generally 45 minutes, but you can request a 60-minute appointment. You are more than welcome to bring your baby along to the appointment. During the consultation, your physiotherapist will:

  • Ask about your recent pregnancy and birth experience, including the type of birth, baby’s birth weight, pushing time, any tearing or instrumentation used
  • Take a history of any previous pregnancies or births
  • Check for any signs or symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction such as:
    • Urinary or faecal incontinence
    • Urgency / overactive bladder
    • Heaviness in the vagina
    • Pain with intercourse
  • Ask about any musculoskeletal complaints such as postnatal thoracic pain
  • Check your general health and whether you take any medication
  • Discuss your goals around returning to exercise, and the type of exercise

Following the initial discussion, a physical examination will be performed. This is different for everyone, depending on the predominant issue, though may include:

  • Posture and functional movement assessment
  • Checking for and measuring rectus diastasis or abdominal separation

If indicated, your Women’s Health Physiotherapist may perform an internal examination with your consent. This involves:

  • Assessing pelvic floor muscle tone and activation
  • Grading your pelvic floor muscle strength
  • Checking for the presence of pelvic organ prolapse

Throughout the examination, your physiotherapist will explain the process and make you feel comfortable. After the examination, your physiotherapist will make a treatment plan to return to exercise. Treatment will vary depending on what issues arise but may include:

  • Advice and education regarding safe exercise postnatally
  • Post-natal classes or private sessions depending on your level of experience and strength. For more information regarding the postnatal classes we offer, please see our website: Here
  • A home exercise program to help strengthen your pelvic floor and abdominal muscles
  • If you have a rectus diastasis, your physiotherapist may recommend SRC leggings and measure and order these for you
  • If you are experiencing musculoskeletal pain, they may also do some hands-on treatment to help relieve pain

Your Women’s Health Physiotherapist may recommend follow up appointments to track your progress until you reach your recovery and exercise goals.

To make an appointment at our New Farm studio, call our reception staff on 07 3358 3915. When making your booking, please ensure that you request to see one of our Women’s Health Physiotherapists.

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Written by Women’s Health physiotherapist Courtney

Exercise Physiologist or Physiotherapist? What is best for me?

exercise physiologist physiotherapy The Body Refinery New Farm

Seeking help for the management of any condition, diagnosis or ailment can be a tricky path to navigate. In addition to a range of health and well-being services, The Body Refinery has a number of experienced Exercise Physiologists (EP) and Physiotherapists who can get you onto the road to recovery.

The question is…

Should I see an EP or a Physiotherapist for my condition?

The answer…

It depends!

To best answer this question, we’ll first outline the difference between an and a Physiotherapist.

Neurological conditions fall prevention

Let’s start with the similarities.

  • Both professions are considered Allied Health Practitioners. This means their credentials and skill-set utilise evidence-based research and uphold practices that are held to the highest standards.
  • Both professions are supervised by governing bodies that are frequently audited for a standard of practice and effective management of disease or disability.

Physiotherapists fall under the umbrella of the AHPA (Australian Health Practitioner Association), while EPs are overseen by ESSA (Exercise and Sports Science Australia). Membership to either of these bodies requires annual professional development of skill-sets and upstanding service by the certified practitioner.

Exercise Physiologists (also known as Accredited Exercise Physiologists or Clinical Exercise Physiologists) and a Physiotherapist each hold, at a minimum, a 4-year undergraduate degree, specialising in anatomy, physiology and biomechanics.

EPs further specialise in chronic disease management and exercise as the main adjunct to therapy, whereas Physiotherapists accumulate specialised skill-sets which allow them to provide manual therapy techniques as the main management for musculoskeletal conditions.

Physiotherapists train to provide adjuncts to healing, using manual therapies. Not all patients will require manual therapy, just as not all patients will require exercise for their treatment plan. Depending on the severity of the condition and the personal preferences of the client, a patient may benefit from both types of therapy!

Osteopathy The Body Refinery New Farm

I have a pain/condition/issue that hasn’t been diagnosed. Who can help?

A Physiotherapist can diagnose musculoskeletal injuries. They can assess the severity through manual testing and, if necessary, will send a patient for scans such as an MRI or an ultrasound to further investigate the root cause of the condition. Physios will typically work with clients who are in ‘acute’ stages of pain or require consistent management over the short or medium term.

An EP specialises in the management of long-term chronic musculoskeletal conditions (acquired through an injury or lifestyle situation like pregnancy or recovery from surgery) and certain diseases (excluding communicable diseases).

EPs work closely with other conditions that fall outside of musculoskeletal ailments – they are trained in managing exercise for cancer, cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, neurological, pregnancy/postpartum and mental health conditions. EPs specialise in getting people back to feeling normal after a diagnosis has been made regarding their health status.

Exercise training under the supervision of an EP is the safest, most effective form of increasing fitness and ability to perform all activities of daily living without pain or discomfort.

EPs are also trained in strength and conditioning – if your goal is to become fitter, faster and stronger (whether or not you are experiencing pain or have an injury) – EPs are highly educated in performance training for athletes and non-athletes alike!

Exercise Physiology exercises and sports conditioning

The main difference between an EP and a Physiotherapist is…

EPs specialise in exercise.

The Body Refinery’s Physiotherapists and EPs work closely with one another to provide the highest quality of care to their clients. We understand that what works for one person may not always work for another, so we are constantly collaborating and sharing knowledge and expertise to ensure each client’s treatment plan is tailored to them to provide the best outcome. This includes making sure that clients are working with the correct type of practitioner to best manage the outcome of their condition.

The Physiotherapy-specialised classes offered at The Body Refinery:

  • The Refined Runner
  • Kneehab
  • Mum and Me Conditioning
  • Pregnancy Conditioning
  • Balance and Falls

The Exercise Physiology-specialised classes offered at The Body Refinery:

  • Better Bones
  • Age-ility
  • PD Warrior
  • Strong Mums
  • Power Pregnancy
  • Strength and Conditioning

If you are unsure what kind of practitioner you should see, call our friendly admin team today on 3358 3915. They will help guide you to the correct practitioner for your condition or physical goals.


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blog written by Exercise Physiologist Tori

Exercise, PD Warrior and Parkinson’s Disease

Exercise can have a positive impact on people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and their quality of life.  Research supporting the use of exercise in treating people with PD has been gaining momentum over the last 10-20 years, specifically, the positive effect exercise can have on the condition itself, as well as the quality of life of those who live with PD. The Body Refinery offers tailored exercise options for people with Parkinson’s through our PD Warrior classes our individualised session.


What You Should Do

But what exercise should you do? What works best? What exercise is safe to do?
Research shows that those with Parkinson’s disease should look to include in some form the following:

  • Aerobic Exercise
  • Flexibility 
  • Strength or Resistance Based Exercise

It’s important to note that everyone has different symptoms and different movements or activities that they find difficult due to Parkinson’s disease. So what types of exercise are best for you may not be the best for another person, though a key theme for everyone is that it is important to stay active and exercise regularly.

PD Warrior - Parkinson's disease The Body Refinery

What is PD Warrior?

The Body Refinery offers a program called PD Warrior that is specifically designed for people with Parkinson’s. Started in 2011 by Specialist Neurological Physiotherapist, Melissa McConaghy, it is based on the concepts of Neuroprotection, Neuroplasticity and Neurorestoration and their relation to Parkinson’s disease. These concepts have been broken down into the 7 core principles of PD Warrior, which have been used to create a fun, motivating and effective program aimed at helping to manage the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease:

  1. Fun
  2. Specificity 
  3. High Effort
  4. Frequency 
  5. Powerful
  6. Complex
  7. Meaningful 

PD Warrior is an evidence-based, highly specialised Parkinson’s disease-focused program that works to identify the specific needs and symptoms of a person, then focus on improvement through high effort exercise. PD Warrior takes the latest research, showing that significant benefits can be achieved with high effort exercise, and incorporates it in an easily accessible program that includes elements of behaviour change, social interaction and helps provide a support network for those with Parkinson’s disease.


How We Can Help

In addition to Pilates and Fitness focused classes, The Body Refinery offer’s PD Warrior in two forms: a group session where participants motivate and drive each other to be the best they can be; and individual sessions where a more personalised approach can be taken to work towards specific goals. The group setting is a great way to meet other people with Parkinson’s disease, create a strong support network and social connections, with many participants meeting for coffee after their class. Individual sessions, on the other hand, allow for a more tailored approach to be provided, where specific exercises can be prescribed to assist with symptoms or to help with day to day tasks that you might find difficult.

PD Warrior classes at The Body Refinery are becoming more and more popular as people discover the benefits of the program, and we hope that you will too!  If you are interested in finding out more about PD Warrior and its benefits please contact us on 3358 3915 or


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written by Exercise Physiologist Thomas Uhlmann

How should I set up my desk?


With so many of us working from home at the moment you may be thinking “how am I meant to set up my desk?”  Here is a short guide with some tips to help you work from home comfortably.

The first thing to remember is there is not just one right way to sit at a desk and it may look slightly different depending on your work demands and your body.  It is important to remember that even the best posture is not going to be completely comfortable eight hours a day.  Our bodies are just not designed to sit for that long!  Your posture should be comfortable and natural for you.




First of all, sit with your feet flat on the floor and your chair height so that your hips are just above your knees. A good seat that is adjustable and has some lumbar support will serve you well. If your seat does not have any low back support an easy solution is to fold up a towel and place it behind your low back. You should be sitting with a slight tilt backwards at around 100-120 degrees, rather than directly upright.



The desk should be at a level where your elbows are by your side and forearms can rest on the desk around 90 degrees.  Make sure that the things you use regularly, like the keyboard and mouse, are within reach while sitting and you are not stretching to reach them repeatedly throughout the day.



Screen height is one of the key things that can make a big difference to the neck and upper back strain.  If you imagine your screen is divided into thirds: top, middle, and bottom.  When sitting comfortably, your eyes should fall at the line dividing the top and middle thirds of the screen. This is usually where laptops fail.  If you are trying to work with a laptop, consider purchasing a separate keyboard so that you are able to raise the screen.


It is important to stand and move often.  As a general rule getting up every hour to stretch, move and reset will help keep your body feeling good.


If you would any further advice on setting up your desk at home, our team are here to guide you.  This information is quite general and a more detailed assessment by an Osteopath or Physiotherapist can help individualise the set-up. We are available for 1-on-1 appointments or take advantage of our Telehealth option, which should allow us to view your set-up and help tailor it to your needs.

More Tips on Improving Your Posture at Home in this Q&A With the Experts on

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Written by Osteopath Natalie Anderson

3 tips for relieving tension in your lower back

Many of us are familiar with low back pain. In fact, most people will experience low back pain at some point in their adult life, with many of those people experiencing recurrent episodes or episodes acute enough that the pain and its effects limit their activities of daily living. The cost of health care, loss of work and income can be significant, not to mention the burden of experiencing and managing this pain and how this affects our participation and enjoyment of life.

Our brain and bodies are very clever – when the brain receives messages that there is a perceived problem or pain in an area such as the back, it responds by recruiting muscles around the area to tighten and stiffen in order to ‘guard’ the body segment and those around it and to limit movement. This is a “first aid” response to create stability by locking everything down, also known as ‘spasm’ or ‘back spasm’. This can happen to varying degrees – sometimes you’re unable to move, other times there will just be increased stiffness and tightness. When this occurs, it is common to also experience secondary discomfort from the contraction and lack of circulation in the muscles, and stiffness in the joints.

The great news is that you can proactively manage low back pain. Depending on where you are in your back pain journey, we recommend a combination of hands-on treatment with your osteopath, physiotherapist, myotherapist or remedial massage therapist, along with exercise rehabilitation with your physiotherapist, exercise physiologist or diploma-trained Pilates instructor. In between sessions you can use these three simple tips anytime you’re feeling sore or stiff to keep you moving and pain-free.


Release the hips

Here are some gentle stretches for your hips and some release work you can do with a ball to help reduce spasm and tightness.

  • Hip flexor stretch

3 tips Low back pain tension

  • Glute stretch

3 tips Low back pain tension

  • Hamstring stretch

3 tips Low back pain tension


Move the spine

The aim here is to get the spinal segments around the affected area moving well, then gently start moving the affected segment in safe, non-painful ways. Moving your joints will help decrease tension and improve circulation in the area.

  • Thoracic Mobility: book openings

3 tips Low back pain tension

  • Lumbar rotation: side-to-side (feet elevated on a lounge or legs on a fit ball).

3 tips Low back pain tension


Activate the stabilisers & reiterate to the body that it is safe to move.

Once you’ve reduced some of the tightness and stiffness, you can do some gentle activation and stabilisation work to help support the joints and tissues, in addition to sending reassuring messages to your brain that it is safe to move. Focus on moving with your breath here.

  • Supine core/hip disassociation: bent knee opening

3 tips Low back pain tension

  • Glute med: Sidekick/clam

3 tips Low back pain tension

  • Glute max: Bridge

3 tips Low back pain tension

  • Quadruped: spinal stabilisers

3 tips Low back pain tension


These are just a few general tips. We recommend having an assessment and receiving specific advice and guidance on which exercises and stretches will provide the greatest benefit to you, your particular symptoms, and the underlying cause of your back pain. Contact The Body Refinery for further in-person support from our wonderful health care team, who are armed with the knowledge and experience to guide you through healing, rehabilitation and prehabilitation to avoid recurrence, keep you moving well, and enjoying life.

written by Myotherapist and Pilates Instructor Sarah Holloway