Are you a woman, man or child? Then yes, Pilates is for you. Indeed, everyone can do Pilates! Join our community at The Body Refinery in Brisbane.
Are you a woman, man or child? Then yes, Pilates is for you. Indeed, everyone can do Pilates! Join our community at The Body Refinery in Brisbane.
The Oov is used for strengthening, rehabilitation, relaxation, and treatment… including incorporation into Pilates exercises! Here are some exercises.
Pilates is a highly beneficial movement therapy after an injury. At The Body Refinery, our physiotherapists can help you getting active in a safe way.
Every form of exercise comes with a list of dos and don’ts. Here is some Pilates advice to optimise your workout, help you feel strong, focused and healthy.
Like many sports professionals these days, PGA golfers have been using Pilates to improve their game. Here are 5 ways Pilates can improve your Golf.
Are you suffering from scoliosis? Pilates is the ideal tool using elongation techniques, breathing exercises, stretching practices & strengthening program.
How do you know you’re getting the best information? Here’s what you should look for to make sure you have a great Pilates instructor. Book a class today.
The Body Refinery offers both individualised programs as well as Pilates classes to ensure you’ll reach your goals, change your body, and sharpen your mind.
Knee pain can be multifactorial, which means that treatment can vary considerably, depending on an accurate diagnosis. 5 tips to help decrease knee pain.
Functional movement is training based on real-world use of your body. This is why Pilates is the perfect form of functional training.