Pilates is an ideal exercise form for those with Parkinson’s disease, as it addresses all the major physical symptoms of the disease but also aids in the emotional and cognitive symptoms.
Being diagnosed with a progressive condition is difficult. Patients report a feeling of shock, sadness, and loss of control. Pilates provides a unique environment that focuses on the mind-body connection, body awareness, and coordination, which allows the patient to regain a degree of control.
While the Pilates principles focus on breath, concentration, centre, control, precision and flow, one of the greatest features of Pilates for Parkinson’s is the dual-tasking that is required in many exercises, which promotes plasticity within the brain, effectively helping the brain to rewire, so that it’s better able to perform tasks.
If Pilates interests you as a form of rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease, call or email our friendly admin team today.